Presentations Gender Diversity in Autism & the NeuroTeens Support Group Facebook Live (2023) hosted by Christine Wu Nordahl with guests Seven Scripa, Steven Dennison, and Mak Soller
Presentations Science Minds (18 min) Host Andrew Dakopolos in conversation with Christine Wu Nordahl (2023)
Presentations Understanding and Supporting the Intersections Between Neurodiversity and Gender Nonconformity (1 hr) Presentation at the Improving OUTComes for LGBTQ+ Community Health conference (2023) by Josh Lee and Brianna Heath
Featured Publications / Publications IQ trajectories in autistic children through preadolescence The study team developed techniques to collect MRI scans on individuals with all levels of intellectual ability. We found a brain network that is different between children whose IQ changed over time and those whose IQ stayed the same over time.